Nisan 30, 2010

Warsaw Nights

Last weekend I decided to get my ass off from my good old couch and go somewhere to socialize. I made a small search over internet and found something interesting, at least a meeting which newcomers are welcomed. So, I sent an e-mail to the organizer that I want to attend the meeting so called "Tandem Evening". He filled me about the details of the meeting place and invited me to the Board Games Night also. Considering that I spent my entire youthhood, with card games I jumped off to the event. It was at 7 p.m. so I decided to go there right after work. I was really optimistic that I would get the chance to play Batak or King but they didn't have any idea about them. Anyway, the place was much further than I thought, after a small walk I decided to use the Tram. Herba Thea was somehow grotesk but lovely and intimate place. With a couple of strangers we played some strange card games and a game called Collesioum. There was an interesting French guy, moved in to Warsaw, doing some muppet shows and I'm not sure but selling some children board games. With his overalls and insanely enthusiasm you could also say easily that he is French. There were some other interesting people though. A guy with big headphones (he is definetly into music) asked me about Babazula. Even I only heart about them and never listened, the guy was a fan of them.
The next day, at the Tandem evening (I took the tram directly by the way) there were more people and people kept talking about couchsurfing as yesterday. There was one guy, who went to till Georgia via crashing on people's couches and hitchhiking. He was flattered about Turkey, he spent two months in there, he wants to go again and collecting money to couchsurf again. There was a girl, who is exactly the same of my friend Hilal except being polish, she has the same look, same attitudes and same way of talking, it was quite interesting. And then the Indian-American guy shows up. Comes in and sits on the couch after removing his shoes. He came from America and hanging around, unoccupied, doesn't know where to go next but pretty sure that he will go till far east. When the night is over, without being able to help polish Hilal about the broken ticket machines of metro, I returned to home.

The next day was my colleague's birthday party, but I don't even want to remember that night. Boozed up. :P
By the way, I decided to check that couchsurfing thing. It was amazing, I'm not open minded enough to fully participate but I can attend some meetings, so did I. As you can imagine, the next day, I and Burak went to CS language exchange meeting. Full of people all around the world, and each one of them were funny so you would like to talk with them for hours. There was a girl who studied one year in Turkey, I tried to make her talk turkish, couldn't succeed enough though. And there was this Australian girl, she was one of the most hilarious people I've ever meet, incredibly funny. I still can't stop thinking about cannibalism because of her jokes. There was a guy from Peru with his Polish girlfriend , interestingly they knew about maras dondurmasi.

They were all amusing nights. I hope it will go on like this. ;)

PS: This was my first try to blog in english, after a while I beleive that I will get better. So, go easy on me. :))

Nisan 20, 2010

Thanks to googlebot

Ah ah googlebot da olmasa bloguma giren cikan yok. Tamam ben yazmiyorum ama niye kimse yorum yazmiyor? Oldu olacak googlebot'a yorum yapmayi da ogretsinler. :P

Nisan 10, 2010


Ben mi çok malım, yoksa hayat mı çok saçma, sosyal kodlamalarla doluyoruz yıllar yılı, iyi güzel de tutarlı bir insan evladı yok mu şu dünyada? Tamam, ben de dengesiz (unstable) olduğumu kabul ediyorum çoğu zaman ama benim dengesizliklerimin kendince bir nedeni vardir her zaman, ama başkalarının dengesizliklerini anlamayi beceremiyorum bir türlü. "... rahvan çıksın"cı olmak lazım belki de biraz...

Eskiden böyle değildim ben ya, etliye sütlüye karışmazdım ki, kimse de umrumda değildi hani. İnsan ilişkileri ayrı bir alem, satranç gibi değil; oynadığın kozlar, yaptığın hamleler elinde patlıyor çoğu zaman. Kaç sefer feda ettim vezirimi de, mat diyemedim çoğu zaman.

İnsan dediğin mahluğa kıymet vermemek lazım. Değer verdiğini iddia edene de aldanmamak lazım. Hep birilerinden bir şeyler bekliyoruz da, istediğimiz olmayınca dövünüyoruz, ne perhiz kaldı ne lahana turşusu.

Hava bozdu, yağmur var, ondan böyleyim belki de. Alıp gideyim ben kendimi fazla dırdır etmeden.

Nisan 06, 2010

Geldim, Gordum, Dondum

Sezar o lafı, böyle söylemiş olsaydı Sezar olabilir miydi acaba? O yüzden ben de Sezar olamayacağım heralde. Aman, ne benim Sezar'lıkta gözüm var ne de Sezar'ın Onur olmakta gözü vardır kanımca. Mutlu mesut yaşayalım bırakın da bizi. Hayır, Sezar'ı anladım, Roma bile mantıklı bir yere kadar; fakat bu kadınları anlayamıyorum, hiç de anlayamayacağım heralde. Kadınları anlamak zaten ne haddime, lakin kendimi bir çözsem...

Almanya güzel yermiş, özellikle benim gittiğim yerler; evli ve çocuklu isen çok daha güzel gelir heralde. Troylebüsleri, kendine has mimarisi, bomboş sokakları, yemyeşilliğiyle Alamanya güzel yer de, kızları çok rükuş be... :P